Classes come back to bite Third Word

In the article “Classes Come Back to Bite Third World,” from The Atlanta Journal, Bill Husted says that in Romania, cyber training in 30 years ago has bred a generation of smart people who have become computer criminal. In the 1970s, young Romanians learned about computer. Also, graduates of schools there had computer skills that competed any countries, but most of them could not afford computers because the economy took a turn for the worse. Now, as both countries slowly changed capitalism, new businesses are being created that take benefit of techniques. Thereupon, Romania along with Russia is a hotbed of computer crime. So, they set a jail penalty of up to 15 years for computer crime. Also, they are keep trying defending from many hackers. I think that governments use hackers. Precisely, if governments engage many hackers, they can get many profits, and clear many problems about virus. I will introduce how governments get many profits.
First, hackers have a skill about computer. Also, hackers well know about virus and computer’s problems because hackers make all viruses. Change an expression hackers can clear all viruses. For example, in Korea, hackers attacked a web site of the government in 1990s. However, the Korean government employed some hackers, and then hackers found bad hackers who attacked web site of the government. Unless the government employed hackers, they could not arrest bad hackers.
Second, modern times, it is the biggest problem that unemployment rate has increase in the whole world. Also, most hackers are an unemployed. Therefore, if hackers get job, which is cleaning a virus in the government or company about computer, unemployment rate will decrease in the whole world.
Third, we well know that if the government defends from a hackers’ attack, the government has to pay a lot of money. However, if the government makes hackers to be on our team, they can decrease an estimate about a business, which defends from hackers. In conclusion, I think it is better that the government does not concentrate to arrest hackers, and they have to make a plan about making profitable hackers. Then, the government can easily solve this problem. It is good chance that solving many problems with one way.


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